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ABOUT | Calculator Ramen Programs

This website is used for educational purposes only.  Here, I occasionally post programs for the TI-84 and TI-83 calculators. To download the programs, click the links in the descriptions of the programs. These programs are 100% risk-free or your money back. To download these programs onto your TI-84 or TI-83, go to the texas instruments website and download TI-Connect. There should be a tutorial on how to use it online.


Programmer and site owner


Max is the programmer of all the programs of this site.  He is a hard worker, and tries to find ways to make more useful programs for these calculators.


Program Idea Generator


Ari is the person that makes the ideas for most of the programs on this site. He is the person who asked Max to make Substitu101, Math, and other great programs.


Program Tester


Kian is the one who tests the programs before they are published. Kian has tested every one of the programs I have posted on this site. If it wasn't for him, I would have really buggy programs.

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